Thursday, March 08, 2007

If these guys can get signed by a record label...

OK folks. I'm probably gonna take some heat for posting this, but this is just too funny. I realize it's not very nice to make fun of people, but I've got half a sense of humor and I can't help myself on this one. Liane found this on YouTube. Don't ask me how. So the clips are of a Turkish group from Germany called "Grup Tekkan". Somehow they must have got a record label executive drunk and he signed them to a contract. The first clip is them performing their hit single "Wo bist du, mein Sonnenlicht" (Where are you my sunlight?). The second clip is a recap of the music video, and then a spoof of the song done by TVTotal ( a German late night show kinda thing). They have quite possibly the worst pitch I have ever heard. Now this in and of itself is not a bad thing. Not everyone is made to sing. But making a record?? That would be like me publishing a book about's something I just will never be able to do! Apparently the lyrics are really poorly written too, but it's in German, so it doesn't much matter to me. And again, I apologize, but I bet you can't make it to the end of the spoof without a good laugh!

- Warren


Wenona said...

Kay, that's just not right. I can sing better than that - hmmm, maybe I should have record! Who's their producer?? ;)

Stacey said...

WHAAAATTT!! That's crazy! I couldn't even watch the whole thing it was so terrible! Thanks for giving me a good laugh this morning!

Melanie said...

THAT WAS PAINFUL! Walter said he couldn't even laugh he felt so bad for those guys. I wonder how someone could allow them to produce a cd. And the spoof guys were way more on pitch than Grup Tekkan! CRAZY!

Anonymous said...

A reason to emigrate :-) Poor Germany!

Unknown said...

That makes me feel better about my singing.

Sara said...

This can't be for real??!! How embarassing!