Wednesday, January 10, 2007

It's high time, I know...

Been pretty lazy on the posting front as of late. I could blame it on starting a new job, but that would be a lie, 'cause I probably have more time now. Not that anything crazy exciting has happened that would be worthy of posting, but I probably should give an update on my new job situation.

And just how is my new job? Well, I'm not quite sure what to think myself. I think what it boils down to is this: I'm in way over my head. Feeling very inadequate. Maybe it's because I've been in computer sales for a mere 7 days now, where as I did sporting goods sales for nearly 7 years. So yeah, other than feeling like I really suck at it, I love my job! My employers are super people to work for, the hours are wonderful, I can run there in two minutes flat, the working conditions are great (seriously though, you wouldn't believe what a difference it can make to sit down for a few minutes every Time-Out I got to sit for half an hour at lunch, and by the end of the day I felt like I was 60 years old), and it's a really interesting place to work. We get to help people. And that's fun. If only I could help them...

On another note, Liane gave me a wonderful gift today...a Lifetime WarrenT Guarantee...I'm shatter resistant to -18C! I also had some cosmetic surgery, and as you can see, it turned out quite well! I was tired of such a feminine looking jaw, so this was a little post-christmas gift to myself. I've always wanted to look like an NFL linebacker! Now, what to do about these arms of mine...

- warren


Anonymous said...

I decided it was finally time to leave a comment on here. I've been visiting your blog for awhile now and really enjoy it. Glad to hear that your new job is going well!

Anonymous said...

Warren....less a little of the chin, look like Uncle Ike! So, there's the resemblance on my side of the family.

Stacey said...

I just about DIED laughing!! HAHAHA!!

Melanie said...

I guess today you'd have shattered since it's way colder than -18!