Thursday, February 01, 2007


The most hated of months has run its nasty thirty one day course! Not that this year was even close to nasty. Yeah for global warming. Speaking of that, Liane and I watched "The Day After Tomorrow" for the I-don't-know-how-manyeth-time last night. Still a good movie.

The only downside to January being over is that spring fever starts to set in. And I am far from patient. And speaking of waiting a long time for things, Liane picked up an application for Canadian Citizenship yesterday. Apparently it can take up to a year for it to be processed/completed. Government.

So Thursday night is Youth Night. It was our turn to plan the games, Keith's turn for the Bible study. I think we've got some pretty good ones lined up..."Stealth", "KneeSlap Sparring", "Penny Soccer", and "TieDie Ball". They're all new to me, so we'll see how that goes.

Anywhoos, it's off to work I go. Gotta go wake Liane to say goodbye. She usually gets up with me, but the last few weeks she has been sleeping horribly...she goes to bed with a migraine and gets up with one in the morning. Makes me feel pretty bad 'cause my lights are out in less than 10 seconds, and it takes her all night to fall asleep.

Nah yo, talk to you later,

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