Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Another weekend has come and gone

But it was one of those weekends you just feel good about. Much was accomplished, and we spent a lot of time with friends and family.

Saturday night we went to Heinrich & Irene's place. I hadn't played with Lego for quite some time, so that was great! It was fun to play with just Lea and Noah again...when they first came here there was no Kian, and no Marc, so I think they had my undivided attention. And of course it was good to visit with H & I as well.

Sunday had us at Mama & Papa N.'s place for lunch. This usually involved a lot of jumping on an old mattress with Luke, and playing countless rounds of ring-around-the-rosie with him and Kathleen. Good times indeed. I miss gym class. Amazing food, and always good times hanging out with the Nikels.

In the afternoon I played Photographer with Nat & Tim's band "Beacon of Hope". They're going to be doing some recording soon I understand, and they needed some band pictures for the CD booklet. Felt pretty unsure of myself, and didn't come up with anything terribly creative, but it was really good to spend some time with the Comtois boys again. I miss that for sure.

Well, after that I went to pick up my hot wife from Mom & Dad T.'s place and won an invitation for supper. We had some super good baked chicken breast and rice. I modified my chicken slightly before eating of course (I scraped off all the dressing stuff on it) but wouldn't you know it, I actually liked it!

In the evening we had a little "college & career that is no more" get together at our place. Bruce & Heath, Stacey, Audrey, and Irina showed up. Lots of fun, lots of laughs, and of course Liane made a dang good Wacky cake which we downed with ice cream. Sure miss having a college and career group. Not that it means we can't get together as friends, but with so many family and friends to get together with, it usually way too long in between visits.

Anywhoos, staff meeting in five minutes. Gotta run. Be sure to check out Mom & Dad T.'s new blog "The Thiessen Connection".

- Warren

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